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REPIC Team Out and Abouts Summer 2021

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June/July 2021
JTA Waste Prevention Plan Exchange of views on impact on WEEE Sarah
WEEE Forum Working Group Plastics Update on work of Circular Plastics Alliance – an EC initiative Sarah
APPLiA WEEE Working Group Discussion and presentation on the interim results of the WEEE Forum Task Force on Eco-modulation Sarah Project Manager
DIGITALEUROPE Discussion and presentation on the interim results of the WEEE Forum Task Force on Eco-modulation Sarah Project Manager
Project Steering Group WEEE Flow Toolkits Following on from the UNITAR WEEE Flows Study and WEEE Forum AAA Paper, this group is developing toolkits for surveys and sampling to help improve data on residence times, hoarding and WEEE in residual waste. Sarah
WEEE Forum EPR workshop Discussion and presentation on the interim results of the WEEE Forum Task Force on Eco-modulation Sarah Project Manager
WEEE Forum Task Force on Eco-modulation Preparatory meeting for presentation of TF interim findings to EC officials Sarah Project Manager
Meeting with Mattia Pellegrini EC Present interim findings of TFEM – part of an industry delegation Sarah
WEEE Ireland AGM Presentation on work of Task Force on eco-modulation Sarah
e-futures Event Attended first event on a new EPSRC and UKRI university and industry research collaboration on WEEE Sarah
WEEE Forum IEWD working group Planning for this year’s International E-Waste Day Sarah
BEKO Sustainable Product Showcase Virtual showcase of BEKO’s

eco-friendly appliances


Packaging EPR consultation Engaging with JTA, REPIC members and other industry stakeholders and submitting a response to the consultation Louise
JTA Batteries Sub-group Engaging with Ricardo who are undertaking a project for Defra on battery flows and potential system reform. General exchange of views on EPR reform. Louise
JTA Compliance Fee Sub-Group Initial meetings to discuss the submission of a 2021 compliance fee methodology to Defra. Louise
JTA trade association meeting Attending the full meeting of the JTA, providing sector updates and hearing from Defra and BEIS on work on energy related products and eco-modulation. Louise
REPIC member Product Returns ROOM Briefing to REPIC members on the regulatory aspects of product takeback and handling waste. Louise, Janette, Laura
Defra Portable and Industrial battery workshops Engaging with Defra and other stakeholders on potential reform to the Waste Batteries regulations, including the implementation of EPR. Louise, Sarah
Visit to GAP Gateshead WEEE treatment plant Visit in recognition of GAP’s recent accreditation as a WEEE Labex approved facility and the reaching of REPIC’s 3 million tonnes recycled milestone. Louise, Simon, Graeme
WEEE Europe AGM Attendance at WEEE Europe’s AGM, an excellent year for WEEE Europe who are helping producers to manage pan-European compliance obligations. Louise
Eunomia B2B system research Providing technical support to Eunomia who are undertaking a review of the current B2B WEEE system, including EEE and WEEE flows, to help inform Defra’s consultation on EPR implementation. Louise and Sarah
Resource Management Association in Scotland Working with other stakeholders to obtain clarification of SEPAs position on the treatment of WEEE plastic containing POPs, and seek consistency with the EA position. Graeme
REPIC AGM Re-election of Founder Member Directors and updating the company’s Articles. Louise, Graeme, Mark
Awards for Excellence Sponsoring the Civic Amenity Site of the Year award, in recognition of the work undertaken by local authorities in providing household waste recycling centres for the public to dispose of their waste. Louise, Graeme, Mark, Sarah
August 2021
JTA Compliance Fee Sub Group Further work on 2021 compliance fee methodology including commissioning of an independent economist report. Louise and Vikki
ICER and WSF Preparing industry response to the Environment Agency consultation on Appropriate Measures (treatment standards). Andy, Graeme and Vikki

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