Bury to Brussels 13-21 June

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Producer responsibility is about making sure businesses that manufacture, import and sell Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE), Batteries and Packaging are responsible for their end of life environmental impact.

Founded by EEE producers, REPIC assists producers with a one-stop producer responsibility compliance solution for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Batteries and Packaging in the UK and Europe.

REPIC elevates its compliance service to producers through delivering an array of value added services to support them towards delivering circular economy business models including the provision of take back services, ways to improve resource efficiency throughout the entire product lifecycle, access to market leading research and carbon and sustainability reporting.


What is producer responsibility?

Producer responsibility legislation requires businesses to:

  • Minimise waste arising from their products and promote their re-use
  • Ensure their waste products are treated and meet recovery and recycling targets for the materials they contain
  • Design more sustainable products by reducing material use and enhancing reusability and recyclability

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is being implemented in the UK, which will place greater obligations on businesses.

Contact our team of experts to find out more about how we can help you prepare.

Am I affected by producer responsibility?

The UK producer responsibility regulations for EEE, Batteries and Packaging apply to all organisations that handle, supply and sell any of these products in the UK to consumers and to businesses.

What producer responsibility services does REPIC offer?

REPIC offers a range of services to assist companies with compliance:


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European Compliance

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